The basics of programming in c++ for beginners

A task: Collatz conjecture

Collatz conjecture – It is one of unsolved problems in mathematics with 1937 of the year (Collatz conjecture, Collatz conjecture), that mathematics can neither prove, nor deny. The hypothesis is that, for any positive integer n>1 consistent application functions:

– will lead to a numeric row, which the, ultimately (Sooner or later) lead among 1 (then there are, at each step of transformation values ​​for even the next step is calculated n / 2, and for odd – 3n+1). For example, for n = 3, it will be a number of changes: 3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1. For some n the sequence numbers will be very short, but for some – very long…

Our job is not in the, To solve the problem, that the world of mathematics can not solve 80 years, and in that, that for any n build a chain of number for this transformation (then, what mathematicians call: in the number of hailstones).

Of course, as before, one of the criteria will be the quality of solutions: code should be written as short as possible.


How it is done:

Problems and solutions, Collatz conjecture, c ++, programming practice

2 thoughts on “A task: Collatz conjecture

  1. #include
    using namespace std;

    int main() {
    setlocale(LC_ALL, “rus”);

    long all = 1;

    cin >> all;

    for (;;) {

    if (all % 2 == 0) {
    all /= 2;
    cout << all << endl;
    else {
    all = (all * 3) + 1;
    cout << all << endl;
    if (all == 1) {

    return 0;

  2. Nikolay, like you are shorter?
    Okay about parity check and division by 2 division, x with him.
    But at least you would not duplicate the output.

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